Monday, March 25, 2013

New Pots! 3/23/13


I was sitting on my front porch at dusk, catching up with good friends, when I noticed something. Gnats. Hundreds of them. Ew.

My usual repugnant fly-related thoughts slowly dissolved in this delightful moment. They were so beautiful at a distance, glowing in the fading sunlight. Hundreds of tiny glittering, airy specks, fluttering in and out of appealing patterns. How graceful. 

This sighting triggered images of photographs by Dutch artist, Sebastiaan BremerHis work is incredibly captivating. I often feel an inexplicable deep relationship with photographs; whether a personal connection exists or not. 

And those flecks....How? How can something so simple add so much? So much playfulness, wonder, and mystery.

I'd say some of current pots contain a few glowing gnats.